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StreetPX - A Photography Podcast

Mar 24, 2017

We have a great discussion for you today, as Mike Lee, steps into StreetPX studio+ to share his story, his process, trade some shop talk and much more.

Growing up across the US and eventually settling in New York City, Mike Lee made it his home and carved out a great space for himself. Bridging many artistic outlets including, but not limited to fiction writing, photography, editorial journalism and a deep passion for working with and protecting the labor unions.

Mike Lee is also the managing editor of the Trade Union Paper, Public Employee Press and while he may be a local to NYC these days, if your in California, you can find his work in the Art Thou Gallery in Berkeley, CA. A seasonally revolving exhibit, that will be on display until September of this year (2017).

If your a reader, then we definitely suggest checking out his writing, throughout the Ampersand ReviewReservoirParaphilia MagazineThe Potomac/CountingThe Potomac/A Daunting Exercise, Dime Store Review and many many more.

Tune in today... and we'd also love to hear your feedback on, so after you click that big orange button up there, be sure to email our team at

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