Oct 31, 2017
Earlier in the month, we offered up a full week dedicated to film and film shooting... At that time, we announced two great contests, so we could show some love to our dedicated listeners.
Both contests were simple and completely free to enter... The first, a film photo focused contest (say that five times fast) had our audience share their work in the Lounge, as well as a social media contest, asking folks to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
It was a great response with a lot of wonderful new ears added to the StreetPX Nation and we originally intended on releasing the news on our special 50th Episode with Jay Blakesberg. Instead, we wanted to take our time in pulling together our selections and figured we'd drop a little Micro Episode on you.
So without further adieu, our full list of contests winners. If you see you're name, please contact us and let's connect to find out where to send these great prints.
In no specific order, here are the winners selected by RE Casper, Jim Watkins, Nick Mayo and Pete Rosos.
Vicky Hart
We want to offer a big congratulations to our winners... and a big thank you to everyone that participated.
If you did not win, fear not, we have plenty of upcoming contests...
Additionally, this holiday, you won't have to enter any contests to receive a great print. Simply head over to our Secret Print Exchange page and register. In December, all those who sign up, will be sent a recipient to send their preferred print to and soon after, you will receive a print from another... All in secret, which makes it even more fun!
Stay Tuned! We're talking back at you Friday, as we welcome Las Vegas photo journalist, Chase Stevens to the studio.